Sunday, April 27, 2008

Isadora and "Antipasto sfizioso"

Bonjour a tous!
I'd like to start with my favourite napkin ring called "ISADORA", ispired by the elegance, lightness and fragility of the great american dancer Isadora Duncan, the mother of modern dance.

It's completely handmade with copper thread and pearl (imitation): it's like a sculpture you can show to your guests during a meal: click here to shop for them.

I think that "Antipasto sfizioso" will be a good association, it's rich in aromas and has a color effect guaranteed.
It's a very fast recipe that can also be served as an accompaniment to a drink (aperitivo).

I generally prepare it using organic products, considering that organic products have much more taste.

Since I'm not sure if all the ingredients that I use are available where you live, I'll try to explain their role so you can find a suitable workaround.

PRESENTATION: for this particular recipe I suggest to use a white plate like in the photo or if you feel more eccentric you can try a black one: in any case avoid multicolor.
Then give an artistic attention and care when you place the cheese and the little sticks.
Last point try to reproduce the same harmonious arrangement for each plate.

time: 20 minutes
kcal for each portion: 200 kcal.

Here's the recipe for 6 persons
-preheat the oven at 200C = 400F

For the sticks you need
-1 ready made dough (roll) -called pate brisee in France-
-sesame seeds
-herbs de Provence ( It's a mixture of dried herbs from Provence a french region: in the mixture you generally find rosemary, marjoram, basil, thyme, lavander and others)

*roll out the dough and cut it into rectangular pieces (2,5 cm x 12,5 cm =1" x 5")
*put sesame seeds on half of the rectangles and herbs de provence on the remaining half
*twist each rectangle like a spiral and place them on a sheet of special oven paper
*bake for about 10 minute or until the dough is golden ( attention: on the dough package is generally written to bake for about 30 minutes or more, but this is the timing for cooking the dough with other ingredients)
*let them settle (serve them warm or cold)

While the sticks are in the oven prepare the cheese, for this you'll need
-12 teaspoon of fresh goat cheese
-red chili powder
-cumin powder

*take 12 teaspoon of cheese and using your fingers (a little bit of water on them will help you, like modeling clay) try to model each one in an half sphere shape
*roll 6 of them in the chili powder
*roll the remaining 6 in the cumin powder

Now take a breath and gently compose your chef d'ouvre (artwork).


Anonymous said...

Francesca, good luck with your blog!

I do know for sure that your recipes are wonderfully good, since I always devour them! :-)

Helene said...

I am officially in love with your napkin rings!